
Bee frames with bees

Frame Feeder vs Top Feeder: Which One to Go for?

Nourishing your bees and providing them with food is essential for their survival and growth. Luckily, there are plenty of options out there when it comes to feeding bees. However, two of these options are fairly more common than others, which are frame feeders and top feeders, so which one of them should you go […]

How To Paint Beehives

How To Paint Beehives

If you use a wooden beehive, it is getting exposed to all of the elements throughout the year, and since these wooden beehives can often be quite expensive, you of course want them to last as long as possible. This is why you should consider aiding the preservation of your wooden beehives by considering a

Different Types Of Beehives

Different Types Of Beehives

One of the most important decisions you will be making if you plan to be a beekeeper is what type of beehive you want to get! You might have picked up some misconceptions and heard some biased opinions, but it is worth stating right here at the start; no type of beehive is perfect for

Flow Hive Reviews

Flow Hive Reviews

We all know that harvesting honey and keeping an efficient beehive is no easy task, and it’s one that’s stressful on both the bees and the beekeeper. After all, the typical honey harvesting process is one that disturbs bees, and can sometimes even result in them getting crushed or hurt. Meanwhile, harvesting is no easy

How To Get Rid Of A Beehive

How To Get Rid Of A Beehive

Bees are such an essential part of our ecosystem, that truthfully, it would be hard to imagine life without them. As much as we need them, not everyone wants them nesting in their yard or property. Having a beehive in your vicinity can be stressful, inconvenient, and sometimes even dangerous – that’s why, if you’re

Best Bee Houses

Best Bee Houses

One thing which you have likely seen for sale quite commonly are bee houses. You can find these being sold everywhere, and they are becoming something which you are seeing in more and more people’s gardens. If you have a garden, getting a bee house is likely something you want to consider, however, before getting

Knowing The Correct Langstroth Hive Dimensions - An Easy Guide

Knowing The Correct Langstroth Hive Dimensions

When it comes to hives, Langstroths have always been a fan-favorite choice. And that is probably down to one super handy design feature. The Langstroth hive has standardized sizing so that when one part is broken or damaged, it can be replaced easily and completely hassle-free.  Of course, this will only be the case if