How to Keep Bees Away From Dog Urine: Practical Tips

For beekeepers, one of the most troublesome issues they face is keeping their bees away from dog urine near hives and apiaries. 

By understanding why dogs’ urine attracts bees, taking preventative measures, and responding appropriately when incidents occur, beekeepers can help protect their hives.

Read on to learn how to keep bees away from dog urine.


Bees are highly attracted to the salts and sugars in dog urine, which poses risks to both bees and dogs. Beekeepers can protect hives by installing fencing, walking dogs away from hives, training dogs not to potty near hives, using repellents, promptly cleaning any accidents, and replacing dead vegetation. 

Why Bees Are Drawn to Dog Urine

The primary reason bees swarm on dog urine is because many of the chemical components in the urine closely resemble the nectar they naturally seek out. 

Dog urine contains a mix of water, salts, minerals, hormones, and metabolic waste products. For hungry pollinating bees, the salts and sugars found in urine give off the scent and taste of a delicious nectar source. 

Female worker bees have receptor sites on their antennae specifically for detecting salts and sugars when foraging. Even the smallest amount of dog urine in the area will lure bees into thinking they’ve found a valuable food source.

Adding to the attraction is the fact that as dog urine evaporates, it releases more of these scented compounds into the air. This makes the smell travel farther so bees can zero in on the urine spot from a distance. 

Bees’ natural obsession with gathering pollen and nectar means they will readily investigate any promising odor. Once numerous bees start feeding in the area, it kickstarts a rapid chemical trail that alerts the whole hive to come feast.

Also Read: Do Bees Poop?

Dangers of Bees Being Exposed to Dog Urine

Dead bees covered with dust and mites on a honeycomb

Allowing dogs to urinate near beehives can unfortunately have toxic effects on bees. 

The major risk is that compounds like urea and phosphorus in dog urine can cause intoxicating effects when consumed by bees. 

The toxins impact bees’ motor control and coordination. Intoxicated bees often have difficulty navigating back to their hives and die while attempting to return.

Another hazard is that bees surrounding a fresh urine spot may become trapped in the puddle and ultimately drown. The feeding frenzy leads to congested masses that can’t easily escape once they’ve had their fill. 

Exposure to dogs’ urine also raises the risk of spreading diseases between bees and dogs through cross-contamination. Diseases like brucellosis could devastate entire bee colonies!

Finally, any stings dogs suffer when curiously sniffing hives can cause more severe allergic reactions compared to humans. The sensitive snouts and mouths of dogs also heighten the risks and pain of multiple stings. 

Keeping dogs well away from hives protects both parties.

Keeping Dogs Away From Beehives

The most effective method beekeepers have for preventing dogs from urinating near beehives is excluding access to the areas completely. 

Fencing around apiaries and hives using standard wood, chain link, or wire mesh creates an impenetrable barrier. Post clear warning signs for pet owners that bees are working in the area.

In open fields where permanent fencing isn’t feasible, keep dogs confined on leashes and avoid walking near any beekeeping equipment. Allowing free access allows dogs to wander over and mark their territory. 

Consistent training will also help dogs learn that hives and apiaries are off-limits for their bathroom needs. Use positive reinforcement like praise and treats when redirecting potty habits to acceptable locations.

Natural dog repellents can further establish protected zones that deter urination. Sprinkling cayenne pepper, dried chili pepper flakes, vinegar, or lemon peels around hive perimeters creates unpleasant odors for dogs. The bright colors also alert dogs to move away. 

Ensure reapplication after rains or irrigation!

Male poodle urinating pee on tree trunk to mark territory

Cleaning Up After Dogs Near Hives

Despite best efforts, an occasional accident may happen where a dog urinates near hives. In these cases, immediately cleaning up any urine spots is critical. 

Use an absorbent towel or wet/dry vac to soak up excess liquid. Follow up by spraying the area thoroughly with an enzyme-based pet odor eliminator to neutralize odors. Avoid using harsh chemicals that may agitate bees.

Check areas where accidents occurred for several days and reapply cleaners until the scent is fully neutralized. This prevents compound residues from continuing to attract bees. 

You should examine ground surfaces as well. Replace any dead grass or vegetation around hives with fresh sod or new plantings. The lush landscape discourages dog urine and digging behaviors.

Discouraging Bees from Dog Urine Areas

While the main focus should be keeping dogs and their urine away from hives, some additional steps can also help train bees to avoid frequenting dog bathroom areas.

One technique is to set up decoy urine spots, using a synthetic urine substitute, in areas far away from hives. Put these decoy spots in isolated locations bees already frequent, like in fields of wildflowers. 

The decoy urine, which often comes in a spray bottle, will attract and concentrate foraging bees away from the actual dog bathroom areas near your hives.

You can also try sprinkling strong-smelling herbs like mint, thyme, and garlic around actual dog urine spots. These powerful scents will mask and obscure the urine odor that draws bees. Over time, bees will associate those areas with the unattractive herbal smells instead of a food source.

Finally, ensuring your hives are consistently well-supplied with ample floral sources and clean water will reduce the appeal of dog urine to your bees. With their needs met at the hive, they’ll be less compelled to investigate alternate food sources.

Wrapping Up

With persistence and training, beekeepers can teach dogs to avoid pottying near apiaries and hives. Combining physical barriers, cleaning protocols, and repellents allows beekeepers to redirect dogs to appropriate areas. 

Stopping the problem at its source is the most sustainable long-term solution for keeping bees safe and away from the dangers posed by dogs’ urine. 

Consistent monitoring and maintenance of protected hive zones leads to thriving bee colonies.

Thomas Callaghan
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