Hand in red gloves holding container of bleach

Does Bleach Kill Bees?

Discover the truth about whether bleach kills bees. Learn about the effects of bleach bleach on bees and the best methods for dealing with bee infestations without harmful chemicals.

Lysol spray

Does Lysol Kill Bees?

Today, let’s dive into a buzzing topic that often raises a few eyebrows: Does Lysol kill bees?  The quick answer is: Yes, Lysol does effectively kill most flying insects, not just bees. Lysol is strong enough to repel wasps, hornets, and other pesky pests. That said, we’ll explore the ins and outs of using Lysol

Selective focus of ammonia solution or ammonium hydroxide in glass amber bottle inside a chemistry laboratory

Will Ammonia Kill Bees?

A common question household owners might face is: Will ammonia kill bees? The short answer is no; not on its own. While ammonia is highly toxic, it isn’t effective in killing bees alone. That said, ammonia is still rather harmful for bees upon ingestion or inhalation.  But why does ammonia kill bees and what other

A bottle of cedar essential oil with cedar wood

Does Cedar Oil Kill Bees?

Question: Does cedar oil pose a threat to our essential pollinators? Answer: No. Cedar oil is completely safe to use near or around bees. Also known as Cedarwood oil, this conifer-derived solution is generally considered safe for bees and other pollinators. As beekeepers, it’s essential to know the balance between natural pest control and the

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