Group of bees flying in the garden

Why Are Bees More Aggressive in the Fall?

As the late summer fades into the fall months, many beekeepers notice increased defensive behaviors and stinging incidents around their hives.  Both honey bees and yellow jackets exhibit higher aggression during this time of year. This rise in aggressive reactions is not meant as an act of malice by these important pollinators.  Rather, it stems […]

Carniolan Bees Tending Drone Cells

Carniolan vs. Italian Bees: Differences, Pros, and Cons

Choosing between Italian and Carniolan bees comes down to various characteristics. You might favor the Italian’s calmer disposition or the Carniolan bee’s stronger disease resistance. Each species has its differences, pros, and cons that can cater to your requirements and beekeeping skill level. For instance, novice beekeepers will likely prefer working with Italian bees for

Italian honey bee on a white lilies flowers

Are Italian Bees Aggressive? An In-Depth Look at the Species

Many beginner beekeepers ask the question: Are Italian bees aggressive?  The answer is no. Italian bees are far from being aggressive. Contrary to that, they’re gentle and calm. This makes them easy to handle, even for first-time beekeepers.  However, this bee species has pros and cons that every beekeeper should be aware of! In this

Beekeepers checking honeybees farms

Apiguard vs. Apivar

Varroa mite infestations are a serious issue that poses a real threat to bees. In fact, if left unchecked, it can lead to colony collapse or hive loss.  On top of that, the mites are so small that you can barely see them with the naked eye. That means the removal process can be a

Close-up of a mason bee on a red flower

Best Flowering Plants for Mason Bees

Mason Bees are one of the world’s most efficient pollinators. Their furry bodies allow them to transport a lot of pollen all at once.  Because of that, these critters are incredibly beneficial for the ecosystem. They can help plants grow and maintain biodiversity by cross-pollination.  As you can imagine, that means having these bees in

Beekeeper Harvest Honey in Apiary

Apistan vs. Apivar

We’ve all heard about how honey bees are an endangered species. This is mostly due to human activity.  Because of that, many beekeepers took it upon themselves to start apiaries.  Although, the little critters aren’t completely safe in captivity either. There are a few pests that can invade the colony and lead to sick bees. 

A beekeeper protecting a bee hive against the varroa mite disease

Apivar vs. Formic Pro: Comparisons, Pros, and Cons

Mite infestations pose a grave risk to your honey bee hive. These parasites can come from various ways. Imagine this, a colony already collapsing from being overrun by mites while bees from other hives rob the weaker hive’s honey. Somewhere along the way, a Varroa mite hitched a ride and found its way to greener

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