Close-up of a bee sting on a man's hand

Tobacco On Bee Sting: Why and How

Bees are highly beneficial and productive fellow earth inhabitants. They’re peaceful for the most part, but if you make them angry -unintentionally or not-, you’re likely in for a painful sting. Various home remedies can treat bee stings, one of which is the juice of a cigarette!  Keep reading to find out how tobacco on

side view of a yellow jacket eating from a spoon of honey

Yellow Jacket vs. Honey Bees: A Complete Comparison

Many people mix up yellow jackets and honey bees, and it’s perfectly understandable. The two winged insects have bodies of a similar size, stripy pattern, and color scheme. Even their buzzing sounds are alike! That said, yellow jackets and honey bees are entirely different insects. One is a type of wasp while the other is,

Is Honey Good For A Sore Throat?

Is Honey Good For A Sore Throat?

Chances are that if you’ve been suffering from a pesky cough and sore throat, that you’ll do almost anything to relieve the pain and discomfort. Sore throats can be one of the most uncomfortable symptoms associated with the common cold and flu, and they can impede your ability to eat, drink, and speak.  If you’re

How To Make Hot Honey

How To Make Hot Honey

Chances are that if you’re a honey lover, you’ve come across a new sensation that’s sweeping the topic – hot honey. Hot honey is a great way to optimize your honey stash in order to create some delicious sauces that you can use for dipping chips, loading on pizzas, or drizzling over warm biscuits.  For

What Does Honey Do For Men

What Does Honey Do For Men?

Most of us have heard of the immense physical benefits that honey can provide the human body with. It’s most commonly associated with anti-inflammatory remedies, and it can help with a myriad of different ailments. Its use in traditional medicine dates back centuries, where it was used to treat wounds, and relieve sore throats and

How Many Carbs Are In Honey

How Many Carbs Are In Honey?

Natural sweeteners like honey can be quite difficult for those who follow a keto diet. Most of us replace processed sugars with natural, unprocessed sweeteners, but these sweeteners also have their own problems.  Trading in table sugar for honey may seem like a good idea, but you will still need to consider how many carbs

Do Bears Eat Honey

Do Bears Eat Honey?

When many of us think of honey, we can’t help but associate it with the loveable Disney movie character, Winnie the Pooh. Pooh spends all of his time indulging in jars and jars of honey that he eats with his paws, or he takes part in some risky activities involving climbing a large tree in

do wasps pollinate

Do Wasps Pollinate?

When we consider the difference between wasps and bees, it very often comes down to the public perception of each of the two insects. While most people love bees, thanks to their adorable fuzzy appearance, and their ability to create honey, many people similarly revile wasps as dangerous pests that serve only to cause pain

What Is Raw Honey

What Is Raw Honey?

One of the best things about honey, aside from its amazing flavor, and its numerous health benefits, is that it is incredibly easy to pick up, even from your local grocery store. This sweet nectar, which is tirelessly harvested and created by bees all year round, can come in numerous unique forms, and unique flavors,

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