What Is The Yellow-Faced Bumblebee (1)

What Is The Yellow-Faced Bumblebee?

You might have heard of all sorts of bumblebees, from the honeybee right the way through to the carpenter bee. But one you might not have heard about is the yellow-faced bumblebee. This bee is a very common bee in North America. As you probably might have been able to tell by the name, this […]

Best Bee Houses

Best Bee Houses

One thing which you have likely seen for sale quite commonly are bee houses. You can find these being sold everywhere, and they are becoming something which you are seeing in more and more people’s gardens.If you have a garden, getting a bee house is likely something you want to consider, however, before getting a

Best Paint For Bee Hives

Best Paint For Bee Hives

Do you want to inject a new lease of life into your bee hives? There’s nothing a lick of paint can’t handle, and that includes bee hives! However, painting a hive is a lot more complex than painting a house or furnishings. Most paints are extremely toxic to bees (and humans), so you’ll need to

How To Get Rid Of A Beehive

How To Get Rid Of A Beehive

Bees are such an essential part of our ecosystem, that truthfully, it would be hard to imagine life without them. As much as we need them, not everyone wants them nesting in their yard or property. Having a beehive in your vicinity can be stressful, inconvenient, and sometimes even dangerous – that’s why, if you’re

How To Get Rid Of Bees

How To Get Rid Of Bees

Many people adore bees. These industrious insects are adorable and perform a vital role in maintaining ecosystems.  Yet, it’s understandable that you may sometimes need to get rid of bees. After all, a nest of bees will not make a great addition to your home garden. When irritated, these peaceful insects can be vicious thanks

Top 11 Best Beekeeping Books

Best Beekeeping Books

When you are starting on your beekeeping journey, educating yourself in beekeeping is the most important step.While the internet is full of useful information, having it all compiled in a book will help to provide you with all of the detailed guidance you need to become a successful beekeeper. The next hurdle you need to

How To Remove Bee Stinger

How To Remove Bee Stinger

Generally, bees are peaceful creatures. Yet, if they are agitated, bees can become rather dangerous thanks to their stingers. Female bees have stingers that can jab and pierce human skin.  This stinger will release venom into the body, which can lead to a whole host of unpleasant symptoms. This includes itchiness and swelling.  As a

Starting Costs for Beekeeping: A Beginner’s Guide

Starting Costs For Beekeeping

It’s essential for any beginner beekeeper to set up a budget, as starting up can be pretty expensive. Your first year will cost more than your other year as you need to buy more equipment and prepare yourself. However, everyone will have different starting costs. It would be best if you considered numerous factors when

Why Do We Feed Bees In The Spring?

Why Do We Feed Bees In The Spring?

Bees are totally crucial for the continued safety of our planet. As the leading pollinators in the world, bees are necessary for ensuring the health of plant life. Without pollination from bees, much of the food we eat would no longer exist, as many ingredients require pollination to grow fully.  In order to help bees

Best Plants For Honey Bees

Best Plants For Honey Bees

Bees. Run from them. Love them. Don’t care about them. Whether you’re keen on them or not, we kind of need them. Being some of the most prolific pollinators in the world, a good chunk of the flowering plants that we have would not be here without them.So, it’s not just out of the good

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