
Bumble bee flying in front of a purple flower

Bumble Bee vs. Mason Bee

Whether you’re into beekeeping or you have a garden that bees frequent, it’s important to know the different types of bees. Two of the most popular types you’ll come across are bumble bees and mason bees. So, what’s the difference between them? Various distinctions set bumble bees apart from mason bees. For starters, bumble bees […]

Beekeeper checking the top feeder frame Honeycomb with Bees

Do You Have to Harvest Mason Bee Cocoons?

Mason bees are a solitary species that create their nests from mud-rich clay, lay their eggs there, and then a new population emerges from those cocoons.  So, do you have to harvest mason bee cocoons? The short answer is yes. We know the prospect of harvesting cocoons might seem scary to first-timers, but this step

Carniolan Honey Bees on Comb

Are Carniolan Bees Aggressive? Here’s What You Need to Know

Carniolan bees are one of the most popular types of bees in North America. They hold several positive characteristics, such as being excellent honey producers, withstanding cold climates, and controlling the spread of diseases. One of the few drawbacks of owning a Carniolan beehive is its aggression potential. Although the bee species is relatively gentle,

Italian Carniolan Hybrid Bee in a Pink Flower

All You Need to Know About Italian Carniolan Hybrid Bees

The hybrid bee breeding market is expanding due to the multiple benefits the practice poses on hive growth and honey production. Breeding an Italian Carniolan hybrid bee will give you the pros of both separate species, limiting undesirable traits. You can take advantage of a Carniolan bee’s organized brood production and the Italian honey bee’s

Mason Bee in a Yellow Flower

Leaf Cutter vs. Mason Bees

Two of the easiest types of bees to take care of are leafcutter bees and mason bees. While most bees live in colonies, relying on their queen, these two bees are solitary! So, what’s the difference between leafcutter vs. mason bees? The main distinction between these bees is their nesting material. Mason bees and leafcutter

Close-up of a Mason Bee

Mason Bees vs. Honey Bees

Bees are one of the world’s most valuable insects for many reasons. Not only do they produce honey, but they’re also incredibly efficient pollinators.  Without them, most of the flowers on Earth would disappear in a matter of months. Because of that, these little critters are exceptionally important for our ecosystem.  There are many types

Close-up of Russian Honey Bee in Comb Cells

Russian Honey Bees vs. Italian Bees

Just like all the creatures on earth, honey bees have various breeds. Russian and Italian honey bees are two of the most common bee species. When it comes to Russian honey bees vs. Italian bees, you can’t say there’s a breed better than the other. Generally, each type of bee can work best in specific

Close-up of a bee sting on a man's hand

Tobacco On Bee Sting: Why and How

Bees are highly beneficial and productive fellow earth inhabitants. They’re peaceful for the most part, but if you make them angry -unintentionally or not-, you’re likely in for a painful sting. Various home remedies can treat bee stings, one of which is the juice of a cigarette!  Keep reading to find out how tobacco on

side view of a yellow jacket eating from a spoon of honey

Yellow Jacket vs. Honey Bees: A Complete Comparison

Many people mix up yellow jackets and honey bees, and it’s perfectly understandable. The two winged insects have bodies of a similar size, stripy pattern, and color scheme. Even their buzzing sounds are alike! That said, yellow jackets and honey bees are entirely different insects. One is a type of wasp while the other is,

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