
Ultimate Guide To Winterizing Your Hives

Ultimate Guide To Winterizing Your Hives

Wintering bees can be very difficult, especially in Northern climates! Like all other creatures on earth, bees have their way of coping with cold weather. They gather a winter reserve, and they huddle together to produce heat and stay warm. However, while they do have their survival mechanisms, there are lots of things that you […]

A Beginner’s Guide On Where To Buy Bees

A Beginner’s Guide On Where To Buy Bees

If you’re considering becoming a beekeeper, first of all, congratulations! It’s an incredibly rewarding and purposeful vocation. Second of all, you probably have a whole host of questions that you want answered, the first being, where are you actually supposed to acquire your bees from?  This seems to be one of the trickiest questions that

Best Flowers To Attract Bees

Best Flowers To Attract Bees

During the summer months, bees are everywhere. But sometimes you might want to keep them away from your food without killing them.One way you can do this is by trying to find them something they will much prefer to eat: flowers.Luckily, there are many different breeds and sizes of flowers, each one possessing special properties

Best Beekeeping Starter Kits By Budget

Best Beekeeping Starter Kits By Budget

If you are looking to start beekeeping, then you are likely going to need a good kit. These kits mostly contain the necessities of beekeeping, which is great if you have never done beekeeping before. But where do you start?  Well, that is where we come in. We are going to cover several great beekeeping

How Many Bees Are In The World

How Many Bees Are In The World?

Bees are an interesting species of winged insect that are closely related to the wasp. Interestingly, they are also closely related to ants. Despite being extremely important pollinators and key to most of our food, bees naturally instill fear in people. This is mainly because their stings can be painful or sometimes even deadly. This

Do Bumble Bees Make Honey

Do Bumble Bees Make Honey?

When we think of bees, we will often picture the easily recognizable black body with yellow stripes. The most common bees we think about are either bumble bees or honey bees, and we may often confuse the two due to their similarities. But, Bumble bees and honey bees are actually different. One of the many

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