
How To Get Rid Of Sweat Bees

How To Get Rid Of Sweat Bees

It probably comes as no surprise, but there is an obvious reason why sweat bees have the name that they do. While there are over 500 species of this particular bee within the U.S. alone, they all have one thing in common: they like to consume human sweat. Yes, you heard that right. A sweat […]

What Is A Bee Skep

What Is A Bee Skep?

If you look at the history of beehives and the designs that have been used over the years, you can see how many advances have been made and how far the craft of beekeeping has come. However, if you have not looked that far back, you might wonder how the first beehive was designed and

Best Books On Bees

Bees are an essential part of the world’s ecosystem. Over 90% of wild plants and 75% of the most important crops on the planet require animal pollination. Every third bite of our food is reliant on pollinators like bees. Pollination-dependent crops are worth five times as much as non-pollinated ones.And yet, we know little about

How to Identify a Queen Bee

How To Identify A Queen Bee

Most people have heard of the queen bee, but not everyone knows what her role is in the hive, and why she is so important. Additionally, a lot of people are unable to distinguish between the queen bee and her workers. Do you know how to identify a queen bee? If not, you have come

Can You Get Stung by a Honey Bee

Can You Get Stung By A Honey Bee?

Contrary to popular perception, not all bees will sting you. In actuality, not every bee has a stinger; only females do, and even amid these, not every one will use it. Some bees, such as bumblebees, will sting you if they become alarmed or terrified, but others won’t. But what about honey bees? Will they

Best Beekeeping Gloves

Best Beekeeping Gloves

It is quite difficult to find a pair of beekeeping gloves that are comfortable and provide good dexterity. Beekeepers must have the ability to perform lots of fiddly tasks, and a slip of a hand can cause a problematic chain reaction when you are dealing with bees!Gloves can often get in the way of the

Why Do Bees Make Honey?

Why Do Bees Make Honey?

There are some facts of life which we simply take for granted, and accept that they are the way they are. But, from time to time, we begin to ponder, and look further into things. One particular question we’re going to be answering today is why do bees make honey? After all, they don’t eat

What Is A Honeybee Queen

What Is A Honeybee Queen?

The queen of the hive, it’s the creature that any bee-obsessive concentrates on the most. They are truly fascinating, having complete control of the hive and laying thousands of eggs, they are extremely important creatures. If you want to know more about the honeybee queen, then why not keep scrolling for some fantastic quick facts

Best Beekeeping Suits

Best Beekeeping Suits

While beekeeping is certainly a very fun and rewarding job or hobby, there’s no denying that it is also very hazardous and if the correct care is not taken, it can quickly lead to some very unfortunate and nasty accidents.This is why anyone who considers themselves a beekeeper is required to always wear the correct

Do Bumble Bees Have Hives

Do Bumble Bees Have Hives?

When it comes to picturing bees and their homes, many people will picture a beehive. This is certainly the case for honey bees, which live in hives that they make in hollow trees, rock crevices, and other suitable areas. The hive is certainly one of the quintessential images of bees, but do bumble bees have

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